The effect of surface area on the rate of diffusion using movement of dye in agar jelly- HYPOTHESIS IS..
The bigger the agar jelly cube the longer it taked for dye to diffues to the middle because the surface area is larger
Why will it take longer for the dye to travel across a larger SA:Vol ratio?
Longer distance for the dye to get to the middle
3 x 5 different sized cubes, same volume and concentration of dye, pipette, knife, stopwatch, ruler, pen and paper, beaker and cutting tile
Why do we need a broken glass bin?
Clean up broken glass
Cut agar into cubes of 5 varied sizes, pour 200cm3 of dye into a glass beaker, place 1cm3 cube into beaker and start the clock, when dye reaches the middle stop the clock and record the result, repeat this with the same size cube twice more and then with the other sized cubes
mean time taken for each cube size, the rate of diffusion for each cube size, surface area of each cube size
Type of jelly, cubes surface area
Temp experiments are carried out in, concentration and volume of dye