what happens to the rate of photosynthesis as we increase light intensity?
Increases (more light energy to carry out reaction quicker)
what type of factor is light intensity in the photosynthesis graph?
limiting factor as without the light, photosynthesis takes place
what does it mean when the graph plateaus (rate of photosynthesis)
the light intensity is notthelimiting factor, new factor added,,,, e.g, carbon dioxide
name 3 limiting factors of photosynthesis
light intensity
amount of chlorophyll
explain how amount of chlorophyll is a limiting factor
contracts less light and energy than normal leaves
so less SA for photosynthesis
explain how temperature is a limiting factor to photosynthesis
enzymes will work faster in warmer temperatures so rateofphotosynthesisincreases
however, if temperature is toohigh then enzymes will denature and rate of PS
name the 4 uses of glucose from photosynthesis
release energy in respiration
produce the insoluble storage- starch
convert it to fats and oils
produce amino acids
what is the need for glucose to turn into starch in photosynthesis
starch can be converted back to glucose at any time
useful as plants photosynthesise all day so starch is a good storage source for the night
why is glucose made in photosynthesis converted into fats and oils?
energy storage
what is cellulose (cell walls structure) made out of?
glucose produced in photosynthesis
why does glucose made in photosynthesis converted to amino acids?
used by plant to synthesise protines
how do plants make amino acids from glucose?
plants absorb nitrate ions from the soil
why do farmers want to increase the rate of photosynthesis
increases the yield of crop they produce
how do farmers increase the rate of photosynthesis?
light and heat their greenhouses,,,, also, they add extra carbon dioxide,,,, some use oil burners as it produces heat and carbon dioxide at the same time
what type of reaction is respiration
exothermic- because it releases energy
aerobic respiration word equation is....
glucose + oxygen -energy-> carbon dioxide + water
why does aerobic respiration release so much energy?
because the glucose molecule gets fully oxodised
chemical equation for aerobic respiration
C6 H12 O6 + O2 ---> CO2 + H20
what happens if cells dont have enough oxygen?
anerobic respiration is carried out
when do muscle cells respire anaerobically?
during intense exercise or when oxygen supply is limited
anaerobic respiration word equation
glucose ---> lactic acid
why does anaerobic respiration release less energy than aerobic?
oxidation of glucose is incomplete so their is less oxygen
anaerobic respiration in yeast and plant cells equation...
glucose ---> ethanol + carbon dioxide
what is anaerobic respiration in yeast cells called.
what is fermentations ---> uses for drinks
to make alcoholic drinks,, e.g, beer
the alcohol in these drinks is ethanol
how does fermentation help bread?
the carbon dioxide produced in anaerobic respiration creates bubbles in dough, causing it to rise
during excercise, why does the body need a great deal of energy
for muscle contraction
what happens during exercise
aerobic respiration increases
breathing rate and volume increases
heart rate increases (to pump oxygenated blood around the body)
what happens during long periods of vigorous activity (e.g.,, exercise)
lactic acid build up,,, causing muscles to become fatigued,,, stops efficiency of muscle contraction
explain the stages of oxygen debt
lactic acid is transported out of the muscles by the blood
then, acid is taken to the liver and converted back into glucose in a series of chemical reactions
define oxygen dept
the amount of extra oxygen the body needs after exercise to deal with the accumulated lactic acid
define respiration
a chemical reaction that releases energy from glucose
the sum of all chemical reactions in a cell or the body
define metabolism
the sum of all chemical reactions in a cell or the body
what 3 things can glucose be converted into in plants