Dopamine neuron respons to reward during period when monkey learning task
performance not yet reliable = reward is ‘unexpected'
Once monkey can reliably perform task reward becomes ‘expected’ & DA neuron stops responding to reward
reinforcement - signals
Unexpected reward → strong positive dopamine signal
Declines with repeated presentation & learning,
Eventually presentation of predicted reward → no signal
dopamine in Nucleus Accumbens surges in response to the predictive stimulus
reinforcemnt - signal 2
Omission of predicted reward = suppression of dopamine signal
Response of midbrain dopaminergic neurons represents learning signal that codes for errors in prediction of reward
reinforcement - signal 3
Learning associations between 2 non-reinforcing stimuli = linked to enhanced dopamine release in NA, - also receives excitatory input from medial prefrontal cortex
Mesolimbic dopamine system involved in modulation of associative learning - not only reinforcement