Ucsp socialization and enculturation

Cards (32)

  • Membership to society
    Not comparable to acquiring membership to an organization or association, requires total commitment to the roles, tasks and expectations it puts on our shoulders as bona fide members
  • Socialization
    A lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture, takes place in specific context
  • Enculturation
    The process by which people learn the requirements of their surrounding culture and acquire the values and behaviors appropriate or necessary in that culture
  • Three goals of socialization
    • Teach impulse control and help individual develop a conscience
    • Teach individuals how to perform certain social roles
    • Cultivate shared sources of meaning and value
  • Development of the social mind (self)
    1. Mimicking behaviors and actions of significant others
    2. Taking different roles observed in adult society
    3. Developing a full sense of self by taking the role of everyone else involved
  • Identity formation
    The development of an individual's distinct personality which is regarded as a persisting entity in a particular stage of life by which a person is recognized or known
  • Pieces of individual's actual identity
    • A sense of continuity
    • A sense of uniqueness
    • A sense of affiliation
  • Forms of identity
    • Cultural identity
    • Ethnic identity
    • National identity
    • Religious identity
  • Norms
    Rules that guide the behavior of members of a society or group, have coercive power over us, reflect the values of the group and specify actions that are improper, as well as the rewards for adherence and punishment for conformity
  • Values
    Culturally defined standards that people use to decide what is desirable, good, and beautiful, and that serve as broad guidelines for social living
  • Four basic Filipino values
    • Emotional closeness and security
    • Approval from authority and society
    • Economic and social betterment
    • Patience, endurance, and suffering
  • Status
    A position in social system, part of our social identity and helps define our relationship with others
  • Types of status
    • Ascribed status
    • Achieved status
  • Roles
    The behavior expected of someone who holds a particular status
  • Role strain
    Conflict among roles connected to two or more status
  • Impression management
    The idea that individuals may improvise on the performance of their role so that they appear "presentable" in the situation, can lead to the creation of damaged identities
  • Jeffrey J. Arnett - three primary goals of socialization
  • George Herbert Mead - development of the social mind
  • An american sociologist who defined status as a position in social system. Linton
  • Four basic filipino values by Jaime Bulatao
  • First articulated the idea of impression management -Erving Goffman
  • According to Newman some repercussions are negative and can damage the perosn reponsible for the implementation of impression management.
  • Before we deal with anyone we need to know who this person is - George Simmel
  • Robert merton introduced the term role set to identify a number of roles attached to a single person.
  • Emile Durkheim considered considered norms as social facts.
  • Emile Durkheim viewed norms as the essence of social order.
  • Norms that state what we should do. Prescriptive
  • Norms that dictate what we should not do. Proscriptive
  • What we perceive as normal, or what we think should be normal. Normative
  • Normal is the act of abiding by these rules called norms.
  • Who wrote " Broad and Narrow Socialization" . Jeffrey J. Arnett
  • 4 aspects of sociopogical concept of values
    1. Exist at different levels
    2. Heirarchially aranged
    3. Explicit and implicit
    4. In conflict with one another