Cards (27)

  • Kidney shape:
    Bean-shaped and smooth - Carnivores, small ruminants, pigs, and horse's left kidney.
  • Kidney shape:
    Heart-shaped and smooth - horse's right kidney.
  • Kidney shape:
    Lobated - ox.
  • Capsular veins - the normal, distinct veins under the capsule of the cat's kidney.
  • Mobile kidneys - the left kidney of the cat and ruminants hangs down into the abdominal cavity; thus, is not retroperitoneal.
  • Mobile kidneys: The rumen pushes the left kidney to the right of the median plane in ruminants.
  • Kidney location:
    All species - the right kidney is cranial to the left.
  • Kidney location:
    Pig - right and left are at the same level.
  • Kidney location:
    Cat - are at a level caudal to the dog's kidney level.
  • Smooth kidneys - the appearance resulting from complete fusion of the kidney cortical tissue.
  • Have kidneys that are hard to distinguish grossly: dog, goat, and sheep.
  • Has unfused medullary tissue, resulting in papillae in a smooth kidney: pig.
  • Has no renal crest: pig.
  • Incomplete fusion of kidney lobes: ox.
  • Has calyces and papillae, but no renal pelvis: ox.
  • Terminal recesses (horse) - the long tube-like extensions that collect and carry urine from the kidney poles to the small renal pelvis.
  • Glands in the wall of the horse's renal pelvis secrete mucous which gives the urine a turbid and foamy appearance.
  • Patent urachus - connects the urinary bladder to the umbilicus. It usually degenerates after birth.
  • Urinary calculi - an abnormal concretion in any part of the urinary system.
  • Urolithiasis - the formation of urinary calculi.
  • Cystitis - inflammation of the urinary bladder.
  • Cystocentesis - tapping of the urinary bladder with a needle to remove urine.
  • Cystotomy - opening of the urinary bladder.
  • Trigone of the urinary bladder - the internal area of the dorsal bladder between the two ureteral openings and the start of the urethra.
  • Ligaments of the urinary bladder - the three connecting peritoneal folds reflected from the urinary bladder onto the abdominal and pelvic walls.
  • Median ligament - reflects from the bladder's ventral surface to the pelvic floor and abdominal wall.
  • The two lateral ligaments - connect the sides of the bladder to the lateral pelvic wall.