group of people who regard themselves as a natural political community, classically expressed through the quest for sovereign statehood.
Psychological dimension of nation
group of people distinguished by a shared loyalty or affection in the form of patriotism
Cultural dimension of nation
group of people bound together by common language, religion, history, and traditions
“Patriotism is a psychological attachment to one’s nation, literally, a love of one’s country” – Heywood
nationalism - the belief that the nation is the central principle of political organization.
Nation - is a collection of people bound together by shared values and traditions, a common language, religion, and history, and usually occupying the same geographical area.
The Two Dimensions of Nationalism
A) ethnic
B) imagined
Varieties of Nationalism
Liberal Nationalism
Conservative Nationalism
Expansionist Nationalism
Liberal nationalism
principled form of nationalism
each nation has the right to freedom and self-determination
goal: construction of a world of a sovereign nation-states
Conservative nationalism
traditional form of nationalism -> insular, inward-
nation is invented -> defined by political leaders by
ruling elites
nation is an organic entity rooted in a shared past
Expansionist nationalism
antithesis of liberal nationalism
arise from a sentiment of intense, hysterical
nationalist enthusiasm -> sense of exclusivity
national is everything, individual is nothing
integral nation -> exclusive ethnic community bound
together by voluntary political allegiance
Anti-colonial nationalism
first strand: liberal in nature -> aspiration of national determination
second strand: economic and political in character (Marxist) -> influenced by socialist thought (anti-ruling class)
third strand: fundamentalist in nature -> religious in character, Anti-western voice
promotes values of community and cooperation
Nation-state - form of political organization -> autonomous political community bound together by bonds of citizenship and nationality
Threats to the Nation-state
advances in the technology of warfare -> demanded the establishment of IGOs to secure world peace
globalized economic life -> world markets, nation-states may have no control over economic destinies
weakened national cultures by transnational global culture
(in French, literally means “leave to do”) is the principle of non intervention of government in economic affairs.