conceit shows the restricting and eternal consequences of being parsimonious (stingy)
conceitforeshadows how scrooge will be subjected to the same punishment if he does not redeem himself
“mankind was my business“
Dickens uses Marley as his first mouthpiece to explore the need for a collective socialconscience
“I wear the chain I forged in life“
metaphor represents the weight of Marleys actions
serves as a symbol for the consequences they cannot escape
alarming warning for Scrooge that if he does not change he will end up like Marley
”but you were always a good man of business, Jacob”
comma after ”business“ creates a pause, emulating Scrooges confusion as to why Marley is suffering despite his immense financial and business contributions
Scrooge cannot see the world without looking though a monetary lens
”the chain he drew was clasped about his middle”
marley is a physical and metaphorical for how if making money and materialism is the main purpose to your life, then it will be the main reason for your eternalsuffering
"I am here tonight to warn you...chance and hope of escaping my fate"
declarative sentence used is a construct for Marleys to voice the message that Dickens has of a wider upper class
"chance" "hope" and "escaping" have connotations of redemption and salvation which indoctrinate the Christian value which the novella is built upon