ancient + medieval

Cards (7)

  • Hospitals in Ancient to 16th Century
    Often guided by the church, viewed as places of prayer and refuge, limited medical care, emphasis on religious practice
  • Hospitals in Medieval Period
    Mostly religious buildings attached to monasteries, offered hospitality, some food, and warmth, minimal medical treatment, patients encouraged to pray
  • Hospital Functions
    Some treated minor ailments, herbal-based remedies used, chaplains provided spiritual care, patients spent much time praying
  • Specialized Hospitals
    Some hospitals focused on specific groups like pregnant women or lepers, limited treatment, emphasis on accommodation and basic care
  • Leprosy Hospitals
    Set up to accommodate lepers, provided food and shelter, no treatment offered, located on outskirts of towns to prevent contagion
  • Almhouses
    Provided accommodation and food, primarily for the elderly, sometimes housed young children and travelers temporarily
  • Patient Care
    Basic during this period, focused on religious elements, provided essentials like food and shelter, limited medical treatment