Paid form of communication, Sponsor is identified, Strategic communication driven by objectives, Large audience of potential customers, Conveyed through many different kinds of mass media
Advertising strategy
The logic and planning behind the advertising that gives direction and focus
Creative idea
The central idea that grabs your attention and sticks to your memory
Creative execution
The details, photography, writing, acting reflect the highest production values
Creative media use
Message have to be delivered. Use channels that reach broad audience
Soft sell
Build an image for a brand and touch consumer emotion
Hard sell
Use reason to persuade consumers
Marketing role
A process business uses to satisfy consumer needs and wants by providing good and services
Identified in terms of their product category
Target market
The particular group of consumers thought to be potential customers
Marketing tools (4 P's)
Communication role
Informs and transforms the product by creating an image that goes beyond straight forwards facts
Economic role
Vehicle for helping consumers assess value through price as well as other information
Societal role
Inform us about new and improved products, help us to compare, mirrors fashion and design trend