Cards (86)

  • Ovaries location:
    Bitch, queen, and mare - lie caudal to the kidneys in the sublumbar region.
  • Ovaries location:
    Cow, ewe, and sow - lie at the pelvic inlet due to caudal migration.
  • Ovaries location:
    Mare - the cortex and medulla of the ovary are reversed, the cortex being in the center surrounded by the medulla.
  • Ovulation fossa - the central depression in the mare's ovary where ovulation takes place.
  • Carnivores and sow: very long uterine horns compared to their uterine body. An adaptation for litter bearing.
  • Mare: relatively short uterine horns, of equal length to its uterine body.
  • Cow and ewe: long uterine horns and short uterine bodies.
  • Cow and ewe: the ends of the uterine horns are coiled up like ram's horns and continue back parallel to each other.
  • Cow and ewe: uterine horn and body are bound together by the intercornual ligaments.
  • Caruncles - makes up the maternal component of the placenta.
  • Cotyledon - the fetal component.
  • Together the caruncle and cotyledon make up a placentome.
  • Mare and carnivores: have a simple cervix bulging into the vagina to form a distinct vaginal recess.
  • Spiral folds (cow and ewe) - characterized by transverse folds that interdigitate with each other to effectively occlude.
  • Spiral folds - open only during estrus and parturition.
  • Pulvini (sow) - the mounds or cushions that interdigitate with each other, closing the canal.
  • Vaginal fornix - the cranioventral recess formed by the cervix bulging into the vagina in the mare and bitch.
  • Vaginal fornix: the cow and ewe have a craniodorsal recess.
  • Vestibular bulbs - the organized erectile venous plexuses in the vestibular walls of the mare and bitch.
  • Suburethral diverticulum - the blind pocket just cranial and ventral to the external urethral opening in the sow and cow.
  • Suburethral diverticulum - this is clinically important when catheterizing a cow.
  • Vestibular glands - open into the vestibule and lubricate the reproductive organs during parturition and copulation.
  • Have major vestibular glands: cow, queen, and sometimes ewe.
  • Have minor vestibular glands: bitch, ewe, mare, and sow.
  • Major vestibular glands also known as glands of Bartholin.
  • Os clitoridis - a homologue os penis is found rediographically in some bitches.
  • Suspensory ligament of the ovary - the mesovarium's cranial free edge attaching the ovary to the last rib, present only in the carnivores.
  • Mesosalpinx - completely covers the ovary, except for a small slit in the bitch.
  • Mesosalpinx: less extensive, just "draping" over the ovary in the cow, sow, and mare.
  • Broad ligament: attached along the pelvic inlet in cow.
  • Vaginal process - the evangination of the parietal and visceral peritoneum through the inguinal canal in carnivores.
  • Vaginal process - contains the round ligament of the uterus.
  • Epitheliochorial placenta - has all six layers (three fetal and three maternal).
  • Have epitheliochorial placenta: horse, pig, and ruminants.
  • Adeciduate placenta - the maternal component is not sloughed during birth.
  • Have adeciduate placenta: horse and pig.
  • Endotheliochorial placenta - the maternal epithelium and connective tissue layers are absent.
  • Has deciduate placenta: carnivores.
  • Deciduate placenta - the maternal endometrium is lost during birth.
  • Classification of placenta - using shape and vascular arrangement of the apposition of maternal and fetal tissues.