female endicrinology

Cards (25)

  • Hormone overview
    • What are they? chemicals released by 1 or more cells that affects cells nearby
    • Where are they? often released into blood stream
  • Hormone overview
    How do they do it? 'lock and key'- target cells carry receptors -> cause regulatory changes within cells -> Androgens
  • Autocrine
    Affects same cell - secretes hormone, leaves cell, binds to receptor
  • Paracrine
    Effects nearby cells
  • Endocrine
    To affect elsewhere in the body - secreted by glands into bloodstream
  • Exocrine
    Secrete hormone via ducts into external environment - e.g. salivary, sweat, mammary glands
  • Tropic
    Targets other endocrine glands - TSH simulating Thyroid, Hypothalamus affecting Anterior Pituitary
  • Sex
    Target reproductive tissue -> oestrogen, progesterone, LH, FSH, Testosterone
  • Anabolic
    Stimulate anabolic processes in specific cells
  • Chemical classification
    • Steroid hormones= Oestrogen, Progesterone, Testosterone
  • chemical classification 2
    nonsteroid hormones= Glycoproteins (FSH, LH, TSH), Proteins (GH, Prolactin), Peptides (Oxytocin, GRnH), Amino Acids (Adrenaline, noradrenaline)
  • Repro cycles:
    2 important= Ovarian + Endometrial
  • Ovarian cycle summary:
    Produce ovum at regular intervals
  • Endometrial cycle summary:
    Create environment for implantation
  • Gonadotrophic Cycle: 

    Anterior pituitary secretes Gonadotrophins (GN) -> FSH stimulates follicle -> LH releases ovum -> Hypothalamus controls AntPit's action= GnRH released into the blood vessles around AntPit
  • Start of the cycle after Menses
    Menses = progesterone falls -> inhibition of Hypothalamus = GnRH no longer inhibited so -> AntPit = FSH production -> follicle development -> progesterone increase
  • Major players of the cycle:

    GnRH- hypothalamus -> stimulates AntPit FSH- AntPit -> stimulates growth + maturation of follicles Oestrogen- Follicles ->tells Hypo to stimulate AntPit - release Luteinising Hormone - AntPit-> triggers ovulation Progesterone - Corpus Luteum -> Alters lining of uterus (endometrium) + inhibits further GnRH release in Hypo
  • The 4 stages of the cycle
    1st- Menses 2nd- Follicular phase 3rd- Ovulation 4th- Luteal Phase
  • Follicular phase:

    (postmenstrual) Hormones= OES< FSH< LH Process -> preparing follicles for ovulation FSH -> AntPit stimulates growth of many follicles -> each produce OES -> prepares endometrium -> follicle becomes dominant + others die
  • Pre-ovulation
    The graafian follicle sends urge of OES through bloodstream = LH release -> prompting ovulation
  • Ovulation:

    (The follicle doesn't enter the fallopian tube) Ovum erupts from follicle including corona radiata Fimbriae sweep ovum/muscle contraction in tube guide ovum
  • Luteal Phase:

    Cells of ruptured primary follicle enlarge + form Corpus Luteum (what's left of follicle) Progesterone increases, grows for 7-8days if no fertilization -> growth stops and progesterone + FSH stop being produced
  • Outcome 1: Fertilization
    Egg lives= 12-24hrs Must occur in uterine tube Endometrium development continues Progesterone is produced
  • Progesterone
    Production continues -> maintained by several pathways: Formation of placenta from cells of trophoblast after implantation
  • Outcome 2: No fertilization
    No Blastocyst means no HCG to ovary Corpus Luteum stops action -> degenerates Drop in Progesterone causes constriction of endometrial arterioles -> leads to endometrial ischaemia Causes spongy tissue of endo to slough off (menstrual bleed)