
Cards (5)

  • Religious Change in Mid-16th Century
    Henry VIII's break from Catholic Church led to closure of many monasteries and infirmaries
  • Transition to Voluntary Charity Hospitals
    Local authorities took over some buildings to fund hospitals, successful in smaller towns, London petitioned for royal funding
  • Royal Hospitals in London

    St. Bartholomew's, Bethlem, St. Thomas', Christ's, and Bridewell received royal funding, provided specialized care and treatment
  • Spread of Endowed Voluntary Hospitals
    Set up across England, Wales, and Scotland, adhered to royal charter, employed medical staff based on ability rather than religion
  • Improvement in Patient Care
    Transition to non-religious care, employed skilled medical professionals like barber surgeons and doctors, better treatment options available, shift towards treating patients rather than solely relying on prayer