replacing lost nutrients

Cards (8)

  • how does harvesting prevent minerals from being returned?
    1. plant is not decomposed
    2. therefore, plant proteins are not broken down
    3. plant proteins aren’t returned to the soil
  • how are nutrients lost?
    1. crop is harvested - no minerals returned to soil
    2. this is due to plants using it
    3. soil can become infertile
    4. nitrates can be lost due denitrification
  • how can farmers replace lost nutrients
    organic or artificial fertilisers
  • adv of artificial fertiliser
    rich in :
    1. nitrogen
    2. phospherous
    3. potassium
  • why do plants need nitrogen?
    it is needed to make amino acids which creates protein needed to grow a plant and feed animals
  • adv of organic fertiliser
    1. less soluble
    2. cheap
  • disadv of organic fertiliser
    may not contain enough specific minerals needed for crops
  • disadv of artificial fertilisers
    expensive, very soluble; can pollut water in streams, rivers and lakes