Describe on method of glycogen loading and outline the benefits to an elite performer. (5)
• Reduce glycogen levels by endurance training/exercise.
• For three days follow low-carbohydrate diet
• combined with tapering/reduction in training.
• Next few days follow high-carbohydrate diet
• combined with little or no training.
• Increase water intake (aids glycogen storage).
• Day before competition complete 3 minutes of high-intensity exercise.
• 'Carbo window' opens immediately after exercise.
• Eat high-carbohydrate diet within 20 minutes
• 'Carbo window' closes after 2 hours.
• Increase water intake (aids glycogen storage).
• where training intensity is reduced the week
• Then three days before the competition a
high-carbohydrate diet is followed
• with light-intensity exercise.