Action potential arrives at the synaptic knob, depolarisation leads to the opening of Ca2+ channels
An influx of Ca2+ in the synapse triggers synaptic vesicles to fuse with the pre-synaptic membrane (exocytosis), releasing neurotransmitters into the cleft
Neurotransmitters from the vesicles diffuse down a concentration gradient to the post synaptic neurone
Neurotransmitters complementarily bind to receptors on the post-synaptic membrane, Na+ ion channels open, causing an influx to depolarise the neurone
Neurotransmitters are degraded and released from the receptor, the post-synapse re-establishes resting potential, neurotransmitters return to the pre-synapse for recycling
Synaptic transmission is uni-directional as:
Vesicles are only found in the pre-synapse
There is a neurotransmitter concentration gradient from pre- to post-
Receptors only found on the post-synapse membrane
Cholinergic synapses use acetyl choline as their neurotransmitters, when released from receptors, acetylcholinases break down the neurotransmitter into acetate and choline, and reabsorb into the pre-synapse
Summation is the process of combining the effects of multiple neurotransmitters to produce a single action potential
Spatial summation is when multiple neurones combine neurotransmitters to trigger an action potential
Temporal summation is when a singular neurone releases neurotransmitters repeatedly over a short period of time
Inhibitory synapses cause chloride ions to move into the post-synapse, and K+ ions to move out, hyperpolarising the neurone to -80mv to prevent action potential