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  • Homeostasis maintains the internal enviroment, including:
    • Core temperature
    • pH of blood in relation to enzyme activity
  • Negative feedback is when deviation is restored to original state
  • Islets of Langerhans are clusters of cells in the Pancreas that produce insulin and glucagon
  • Alpha cells produce Glucagon
  • Beta cells produce Insulin
  • Adrenaline is produced in the adrenal glands during fight or flight, releasing more glucose from hydrolysis of glycogen in the liver
  • Insulin Regulation:
    • Attaches to receptors on liver/muscle, changing the tertiary structure, resulting in more glucose absorbed via facilitated diffusion
    • Create more protein carriers for more glucose absorption
    • Enzymes convert glucose to glycogen, via glycogenesis
  • Glucagon Regulation:
    • Attaches to receptors on the liver
    • Protein activates into adenylate cyclate
    • ATP is converted into cyclic AMP (cAMP)
    • cAMP activates the protein kinase, that hydrolyses glycogen into glucose via glycogenolysis
    • Also activates enzymes converting glycerol and amino acids into glucose via gluconeogenesis
  • Adrenaline Regulation:
    • Attaches to liver
    • Protein G is activated, converting ATP into cAMP
    • This activates kinase to hydrolyse glycogen into glucose via glycogenolysis