
Cards (58)

  • Incarnation
    God becoming man
  • The Word: 'The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us'
  • Incarnation
    • Shows that God was fully human
  • Father: 'Father forgive them for they know not what they do'
  • Crucifixion
    It brought humans salvation from sin
  • A christian may sacrifice their life to save others

    Because Jesus did
  • It could influence them to sing hymns to remember his crucifixion
    Because it is important to remember his sacrifice
  • Could influence them to worship more
    Because it shows how loving God is that he gave his 'only begotten son' through pain and suffering to save others
  • Resurrection of Jesus
    The most significant event, the ultimate miracle, indicates that death is not the end
  • They will believe in life after death
    Because of the resurrection
  • What happened in the resurrection
    1. 3 days after the crucifixion female followers went to the tomb of Jesus
    2. It was empty
    3. 2 men in white robes appeared and said Jesus had returned from the dead
  • What happened in the ascension
    1. 40 days after his resurrection, Jesus told his disciples they would receive the power of the Holy Spirit
    2. Then, Jesus was taken up into a cloud
    3. Two men in white appeared and told the disciples that Jesus had gone to Heaven
  • Ascension
    Jesus's final miracle, Proves his divinity that he ascended into the sky
  • The Lord: 'The Lord is risen indeed!'
  • No one has ascended: 'No one has ascended into heaven but he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man'
  • why is worship important to christiana
    -Allows them to show allows them to show love gratitude to God
    -to express their faith
    -To help them feel closer to God
  • liturgical worship
    The priest leads the congregation in formal prayers that have set responses. Bible pages are read the priest performs symbolic actions with symbolic meanings, hymns are sung by the choir.
  • non-liturgical worship

    there are no set order or ritual in non-conformist churches emphasis is placed on reading the Bible sermons,prayer and singing hymns
  • Informal worship

    depends on peoples spontaneous prayers or sharing of thoughts. Quaker worship is mainly silent. People speak when they feel God spirit moving them to offer thoughts prayers or read from the Bible.
  • what is prayer?
    prayer is communicating with God in silence or aloud with friends family or alone. Some denominations have set prayers such as the Lord’s prayer or grace.
  • types of prayer
  • sacraments
    A sacrament is a right through which the believer receives a special gift of grace so Catholics and and many protestants sacraments are outward signs of inward grace
  • liturgy of the word
    -These are hymns prayers and reading from the Bible
    -The priest comes through the Royal doors to chant the gospel
    -There may be a sermon
  • adoration
    Praising God for his divine nature
  • confession
    Saying sorry to God for the things you’ve done wrong
  • thanksgiving
    Thanking God for the things that are good in your life
  • The way most churches celebrate the holy communion
    -The ministry of the word which focuses on God’s words in the Bible
    -The ministry of holy communion-offering consecrating and sharing the bread and wine
  • similarities when celebrating the holy communion
    -They all use the words of Jesus
    -You have to come forward to do the communion
  • differences when celebrating the holy communion
    -they do the sign of peace at different times
    -Give bread
    -In non-conformist churches you don’t just drink wine
  • baptism
    The ritual through which people become members of the church baptism involves the use of water as a symbol of washing away sin
  • believers baptism
    Initiation to the church by emotion in water of people old enough to understand the ceremony and willing to live Christian life
  • infant baptism
    The ritual through which babies and young children become members of the church where promises are taken on their behalf by adults the infant is freed from sin and introduced to the saving of God and support of the Christian community, this is a sacrament
  • reasons why people do infant baptisms
    -Removes original sin
    -Welcomes the child into the church
    -Parents thank God for the gift of new life and celebrate with family and friends.
    -Parents dedicate their child to God
  • why people do believers baptisms?
    -People should be old enough to consciously make a mature decision about their faith
    -The decision to follow Jesus wholeheartedly what saves the person rather than the baptism itself
    -Repents for past sin
    -often people who take part in this are known as born again as their old life has died and they’ve come alive again in Jesus
  • pilgrimage
    -pilgrimage is a journey made for religious reasons alone or with other Christians
    -The believer not only makes a physical journey but also a spiritual journey towards God it is itself an act of worship as it shows devotion to God by choosing to go
  • One example of a Christian pilgrimage
    lourdes a pilgrimage dedicated to marry the mother of Jesus and is usually a Catholic pilgrimage
    Thousands of pilgrims visit lourdes which is a small town near the Pyrenees to pray at the grotto where Mary appeared and to recite the rosary together also to bathe in the water where it is claimed 67 miracles and over 6000 other cures of taken place
  • Example of a pilgrimage
    Iona, Scotland
    Iona is a very remote and windswept place many pilgrims feel like it is a place where nature reveals God infinite power and presence
    People go to Iona to reflect and live in a specific community, not for miracles, which is the reason why many people go to Lourdes It is an ecumenical pilgrimage
  • sanctity of life
    meaning life is precious and sacred
  • literalist
    -a literalist would say that the world was created in seven 24hr days
  • liberalist
    -a liberalist would say that although god designed the world the details don’t matter (more likely to believe the big bang theory)