how eutrophication occurs

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  • Eutrophication
    The nutrient enrichment of waterways
  • eutrophication 1- nutrient load up
    excessive nutrients from artificial fertilisers flushed from land into rivers by rainwater or run off.
  • eutrophication 2 - plants flourish
    pollutants cause aquatic growth ( mainly algae; duckweed and other plants ) they quickly run off nitrates and die
  • eutrophication 3 - algae bloom
    algae bloom prevents sunlight from reaching plants lower in water
  • eutrophication 4 - decomposition depleted oxygen
    dead plants are broken down by bacteria decomposers which use up more oxygen in water ( respiration )
  • eutrophication 5 - death of ecosystem
    oxygen levels reach point where no life is possible. Organisms and fish die.