
Cards (12)

  • 1930s- new deal
    • The new deal was made in response of the grease depression from the wall street crash
    • Unemployment in 1933 was at 25/
    • Business closed down
    • Bank problems - as they were irresponsible
    • Problems with agriculture
  • 1930s - new deal

    4 key ideas
    • End of employment
    • Better banking
    • Support for the vulnerable
    • Improving farming and factories
  • 1930s- new deal

    Emergency banking act - shut down all banks and only opened the responsibility ones after 4 years
  • 1930s- new deal
    AAA- Agriculture Adjustment Admin
    CCC- Civilians Conservation Cops
    TVA- Tennessee Valley Authority
    HOLC- Home Owners Loan Corps
    NIRA- NRA- National Recovery act
    PWA- Public Work Admin
  • 7 categories
    rich white Americans
    african americans
    young and old
  • the fordney- McCumber tariff
    he made it expensive to import food so food grown in America was preferable so farmers could gain money
  • 1920s - why did it become rich
    • natural resource
    • mass production becomes cheaper
    • spent money that goes into the economy
  • 1920s - spent money

    • august 1921 there was only one station called KDKA
    • by the end of 1922 there was 508
    music and dance
    • jazz became popular with the youth
    • older generations saw jazz as a bad influence
    • charleston, rhythmic, sexual moves
    • dance marathons
    • baseball- yankees and red socks
    • boxing- 1921 £1.5 mill to see two people fight
    • football- earning £100,000
    • gave people freedom
    • feared it would lead to moral recline
    • golden age of cinema
    • all movies were silent till 1927
    • 100 million e tikets were sold every week
  • 1920s - push and pull factors

    push- overcrowding, difficult for uneducated people to improve their situation, out of work, economic depression
    pull- room for expansion, land was cheap, natural resources, employers needed labourers, business opportunities, better wages, escape persecution,
  • 1920s red scare

    racist attitude to immigrants
    fear of communism
    race riots against eastern Europeans in 25 towns
    radicals uprised and soon shut down
    after many minoritys were accused of communism
    by late 1920 10,000 individuals had been rounded up and deported
  • 1920s- immigration act of 1929
    in direct responce of the ear of radicals the government restricted immigration
    the system made sure most immigrants entering america came from the north west of europe and limited the southeast
    1910- over 1,000,000
    1029- 150,000
  • 1920s - Sacco and Vanzatti
    immigrants from Italy
    executed in 1929
    known anarchist and hated capitalism
    • 15th April 1920 Fred Parmenter was attacked by 2 armed men who got away with £15,000.
    • 5th May 1920 Sacco and Vanzetti got arrested for murder
    • judge Thayer and lasted 45 days
    • the evidence used was fabricated
    • verdict was guilty and sentenced to death
    • riots ment the case was taken higher up but the verdict was the same even after 6 years and were sentenced to death by the electric chair on the 24th August 1926