At point B, the LRAS curve is vertical as with the classical view; this is the maximum potential output with current resources and technology, so it is the PPF
However, it does not stay vertical: if the curve was vertical this would mean that wages and prices fall when unemployment exists, but Keynes thought wages tend to be 'sticky downwards'
When there is high unemployment (the horizontal line on the graph- anything below point A) and a firm wants to recruit, they do not have to offer high wages to attract staff as the LRAS is perfectly elastic at this point
At the point between A and B, as employment rises, there are less people looking for jobs and labour is becoming scarce enough that firms have to offer higher wages to attract the best workers, leading to a higher average price level
Output becomes more price inelastic until it reaches point B, where an increase in prices no longer affects output as the PPF has been reached