
Cards (15)

  • Ozymandias
    a shattered visage lies
    a sneer of cold command
    boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away
  • London
    charted Thames does flow
    mind forged manacles
    chimney sweepers does cry
  • The prelude
    troubled pleasure
    heaving through the water like a swan
    a huge peak, black and huge
  • My last duchess
    My last duchess painted on the wall
    i gave commands then all smiles stopped together
    notice neptune, though taming a seahorse
  • The charge of the light brigade
    half a league, half a league, half a league
    theirs not to make reply, theirs not to reason why
    into the valley of death rode the six hundred
  • exposure
    our brains ache
    the merciless iced east winds that knive us
    Sudden successive flights of bullets streak the silence.
  • storm on the island
    we are prepared
    spits like a tame cat turned savage
    We are bombarded by the empty air.
  • bayonet charge
    suddenly he awoke and was running
    bullets smacking the belly out of the air
    King, honour, human dignity, etcetera
    Dropped like luxuries
  • remains
    probably armed, possibly not
    tosses his guts back into his body
    then i’m home on leave. but i blink
  • poppies
    three days before armistice Sunday
    released a songbird from its cage
    hoping to hear your playground voice catching on the wind.
  • war photographer
    spools of suffering set out in ordered rows
    solutions slop in trays
    stranger's features faintly start to twist before his eyes, a half-formed ghost.
  • tissue
    paper that lets the light shine through
    might fly our lives like paper kites
    turned into your skin
  • the emigrée
    there once was a country…
    i comb it’s hair and love it’s shining eyes
  • checking out me history
    dem tell me
    i carving out me identity
  • kamikaze
    her farther embarked at sunrise
    like a huge flag