Behaviourist treatments token economies

Cards (4)

  • Token economy
    • In a token economy, schizophrenic patients receive tokens (which can be exchanged for rewards) in return for desirable behaviour

    • Token economies are primarily used for schizophrenic patients who are in institutions for long time periods and are mainly used to treat negative symptoms

    • Token economies provide an incentive for the patient to undertake these tasks, positively reinforcing this behaviour
  • AO3-supporting evidence
    a review by McMonagle and Sultana (2000) found token economies reduced the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. However, the researchers question the reliability of these studies and likelihood of relapse
  • AO3-ethical concerns
    - Firstly, some argue that token economies are dehumanising. Secondly, some argue that token economies are discriminatory: severely ill patients will have greater difficulty in complying with behavioural demands and thus get fewer privileges than patients who are less severely ill
  • AO3-relapse
    - if improvements in behaviour are dependent on receiving tokens, the schizophrenic patient may relapse once token economy therapy is withdrawn