Physical science

Cards (42)

  • Sirius
    Egyptians established a 365-day calendar based on the track of the star .
  • pyramid of Giza
    was built around 2560 BCE in Egypt
  • Orion
    three pyramids represent the belt stars of the constellation .
  • Stonehenge
    was constructed in 3000 BCE in England. It was thought to have been an observatory used to predict solar and lunar eclipses.
  • Stonehenge
    It was built so that on the summer solstice, the sun would rise above one of the main stones.
  • geocentric model

    Earth is considered as the center of the universe.
  • eudoxus model
    Earth is the only planet that is fixed.
  • Eudoxus model

    thought that each planet moved in circles within circles around the Earth.
  • Eudoxus model

    Imagine the planets are riding on a series of invisible carousels, with each carousels
  • Aristotle Model

    He called the outermost sphere as the Prime Mover.
  • Aristotle Model

    He thought the universe was made up of concentric spheres, like layers of an onion, with Earth at the center. Each celestial body, like the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars, was attached to its own sphere.
  • Aristotle Model

    He based his model on Eudoxus/ model.
  • Ptolemy model
    became widely accepted for centuries and served as the main cosmological model in Western civilization until it was eventually replaced by models proposed by modern scientists we know today.
  • Ptolemy model
    Each planet had its own set of epicycles and deferents (larger circles), with the Earth fixed at the center of these deferents amd were complex enough to accurately predict the observed motions of the planets.
  • Ptolemy model

    He suggested that the planets moved in small circles called epicycles, which themselves moved along larger circles around the Earth.
  • Copernicus' model

    He kept the concept of uniform circular motion of Ptolemy's epicycles.
  • retrograde motion
    they backtrack for a while, that is, they move westward before
    resuming their eastward motion. This pattern is called
  • Nicolaus Copernicus
    he believed that Earth spins on its axis every day and revolves around the sun like the other planets. Only the moon orbits the Earth.
  • plato
    He assumed that all motions in the universe are
    perfectly circular and all heavenly objects are ethereal.
  • Eudoxus model
    using the series of 27 concentric
    spheres on which the sun, the moon, and the planets moved in perfect circular motion
  • Cnidus Eudoxus
    He proposed the Eudoxus model
  • Eudoxus
    He was the first to "save the appearances" that Plato referred to,
  • eudoxus model
    He did not assign any sphere for Earth because in his model Earth is fixed.
  • earth, water, air, and
    primordial elements in this sequence;
  • Prime Mover
    rotated the outermost sphere with constant
    angular speed causing the other spheres to rotate as well.
  • Philolaus
    - a Greek astronomer initially proposed a pyro
    centric model of the universe
  • Pythagorean model
    Heavenly bodies were supposed to move around a "fire" located at the center of the universe.
  • Pythagorean model

    central fire" as the center of the cosmos
  • stellar parallax.
    The apparent displacement of a star because of a change in
    the observer's point of view is called
  • Copernicus' model

    He kept the concept of uniform circular motion of
  • copernicus' model
    asserted that Earth spins on its axis every day and revolves around the sun like the
    other planets, only the moon orbits the Earth
  • Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium
    Copernicus's heliocentric theory is written on his book
  • Aristotle Model

    simplest model
  • retrograde motion
    apparent change in the movement of the heavenly bodies in the sky
  • prime mover
    the unmoved mover mover other thing,but is not itself moved by any prior action
  • Pythagorean's Hearth of the universe
    in Pythagorean model what is the meaning of counter-earth
  • Pythagorean model
    earth is a sphere but an oblate sphere
  • Pythagorean model

    the center of the universe is a fire wherein the central fire is unseen
  • Claudius Ptolemy
    he proposed the epicycles and deferent
  • Rotation
    1 day