Chap 11

Cards (20)

  • Commensalism is a form of symbiotic relationship in which two species
    live together, and one species benefits from the other without harming or benefitting
    the other. The relationship between the human body
  • Mutualism is the symbiosis of the two microorganisms that benefits each other
  • Infestation - invasion of the body by ectoparasites
  • Endoparasites - parasites that live inside the body of the host (eg., worm)
  • Infection - the result of entry and multiplication of parasite within the host
  • Ectoparasites - parasites that live outside the host's body
  • Facultative parasite - - parasites thnat an live independently of the host (eg., free living)
  • Obligate parasites- parasites that must live inside a host (e.g, hookworms)
  • Permanent parasites - parasites that remain in a host from early life to maturity (e.g, Plasmodium)
  • Intermittent parasites - parasites that simply visit the host during feeding time (eg., non-pathogenic parasites)
  • Incidental tapeworm in parasites humans) - parasites that occur in an unusual host (e.g.. dog, tapeworm in humans)
  • Transitory parasites parasites whose larva develops in A host while the adultfree is living (eg, Echinococus granulosus or dog while the host is tapeworm).
  • Erratic Parasite - parasites that are seen in an unusual organ.
  • Definite host - that harbor the adult stage of the parasite
  • Intermediate host - that harbor the larval stage of the parasite
  • Reservoir host - vertebrae host that harbor the parasite and may act as additional source of infection in man
  • Pathogenesis refers to the dynamics of any disease process
  • Sigmoidoscopy is used to collect and examine material from the colon
  • Skin snips - skin fluid without bleeding obtained by making a small cut into the skin with a razor blade; to detect motile microfilariae
  • Xenodiagnosis special method for diagnosis of Chagas disease