The application of the principles of military strategy to business competition
Strategic management phenomenon developed
Sun Tzu, Chinese military strategist in 500 BC: '"Know yourself, know your opponents; encounter a hundred battles, win a hundred victories."'
Schools of thought on the definition of strategy
Strategy as plan
Strategy as action
Strategy as theory
Strategy as plan school
Strategy is embodied in the same rigorousformalplanning as in a military strategy
Strategy as action school
Strategy is a set of flexible goal-oriented actions
Along with the intended strategy there is also the emergent strategy that is the outcome of a series of smaller decisions from the "bottom up"
Strategy of integration school
The essence of strategy is likely to be a combination of both plan and action
Global strategy
The strategy of firms around the globe essentially various firms' theories about howtocompetesuccessfully
Fundamental questions in strategy
Why do firms differ?
How do firms behave?
What determines the scope of the firm?
What determines the international success and failure of firms?
Why do firms differ?
Most knowledge about firms comes from Western capitalist countries, but the business landscape is very different in Eastern countries like Japan
In countries like China, interpersonalnetworks and relationships (guanxi), cultivated by managers, may serve as informal substitutes for formal institutional support
The "strategy tripod"
Industry-based view
Resource-based view
Institution-based view
Industry-based view
Focuses on the external opportunities and threats faced by the organization
Resource-based view
Focuses on the internal strengths and weaknesses of an organization
Institution-based view
Argues that firms also need to take into account the influences of formal and informal rules
Each component of the strategytripod offers different answers to what determines the success and failure of firms around the globe
Growth is an important objective for all firms
Growth beyond a certain limit is not possible-downsizing, down scoping, and withdrawals are often necessary
The scope of a firm pertains to growth as well as contraction
Product scope and geographic scope is important to an institution
Globalization has led to increased international trade, investment, and communication among nations.
The global economy is interdependent, with countries relying on one another to meet their needs.
A firm's theory about how to compete successfully
Strategy as integration theory
Borrows the idea of strategy formation from the planning school
Borrows the idea of strategy implementation from the action school
Advantages of "strategy as theory" definition
Capitalizes on the insights of both the planning and the action schools
Emphasizes the idea of "theory" which helps to explain the past and to predict the future
Allows the possibility of replication-repeated testing of theory under a variety of conditions to establish its applicable boundanesi
Top management team
Led by the chief executive officer (CEO) who must exercise leadership by making strategic choices
Business Policy
Focused on integrating the functional areas of business administration like accounting, management, marketing, HRM, finance and operation. Aimed to apply the knowledge to solve organization's problem.
Development of Business Policy
1. Changing in Business
2. Policy Content
3. Changing Management Planning Perspective
Changing in Business Policy Contents
Change in the dynamics of business environment
Changing managerial roles in the organization
Rapid changes in business and non-business environment
Emphasis case study method in learning
Concerns affecting organizational performance
Traditional planning
Emphasize on goal and objective
Changes in planning
The development of STRATEGY in management planning
Traditional planning - focused on functional areas
Change due to increasing demand
Effective planning
Take the opportunities in the environment, make through analysis of the environment and competition, resource allocation to be dynamic (quick decision)
Concern of external environment
Greater with more uncertainties of the future
Benefits of Strategic Management
Improve financial performance of other organization
Broader view of problem and issues
Strategic decision more effectively and efficiently
Analyze problem more systematic way
More sensitive to changes in business environment
Coordinate multifunctional activities
Greater role and participation of top, middle and lower management
Reduce potential resistance in changes
Conducive organizational climate-encourage team work
Improve communication
Components of Strategic Management
External and Internal Analysis
Industry analysis
Strategy Formulation
Strategy Implementation
Strategy Evaluation and control
Elements of Strategic Management
Organizational structure
People and leadership
Evaluation model and processes
Evaluation criteria
The close integration of countries and peoples of the world
Causes of market and industry globalisation
Multinational companies
Lower tariffs
Improved transport
Capital mobility
Business policy
Focused on functional areas
Strategic management
Focused on opportunities in the environment, analysis of environment and competition, dynamic resource allocation