READING - a goal-directed activity such that a reader seeks to reach a particular outcome as a result of reading.
Reading is a multifaceted process involving wordrecognition, comprehension, fluency, and motivation.
Reading makes a big difference to children's educational performance.
Reading expands the mind. It allows creativethinking.
Reading helps improve concentration.
Reading develops vocabulary.
Reasons for READING
• Pleasure and enjoyment.
• Develop a detailed and critical understanding.
• Identify the central idea or theme.
• Locate specific information.
• Obtain an overview.
• Practical application.
TEXT RELEVANCE - The match between a reader's goal and information related to that goal.
RELEVANCE - is how appropriate something is to what is being said at a given time.
Tips on how how to spot Factual or Truthful Information
(1) CONSIDER THESOURCE - investigate the site you are viewing or reading.
Tips on how how to spot Factual or Truthful Information
(2) READBEYOND - Headlines can be outrageous in an effort to get clicks, so you should focus on the whole story. You have to read and look for details such as statistics, date, name and others.
Tips on how how to spot Factual or Truthful Information
(3) CHECK THE AUTHOR - Do a quick search on the author to find out if they are real and credible.
Tips on how how to spot Factual or Truthful Information
(4) VERIFYSUPPORTINGSOURCES - Determine if the given information actually supports the story.
Tips on how how to spot Factual or Truthful Information
(5) CHECK THE DATE - Reposting old news story does not mean they're relevant to current events. It should be updated.
Tips on how how to spot Factual or Truthful Information
(6) CHECK YOUR BIASES - Consider if your own beliefs could affect your judgement.
SOUND REASONING - reasoning that follows logic and can be easily understood by readers or an audience.
"You notice that your colds are not getting any better after taking the prescribed medicine for a week. So you will either stop taking the medicine or go back to the doctor to consult again." Is an example of Sound Reasoning.
A good presentation of ideas should be concise and should focus on the topic. It should not move off-track.
A good presentation of ideas should have the potential to convey the required information.