Cards (8)

  • Aesthetic value

    The value which causes an object to be a "work of art". This is a quality which appeals to our sense of beauty.
  • Intellectual value

    An artwork stimulates thought. It enriches our mental life by making us realize fundamental truths and ourselves, about other human beings, and about the world around us
  • Suggestiveness
    The quality associated with the emotional power of art. Great works of art move us deeply and stir our feeling and imagination, giving and evoking visions above and beyond the plain of ordinary life and experience.
  • Spiritual value

    Art elevates the spirit by bringing out moral values which make us a better person. The capacity to inspire is part of the spiritual value of art.
  • Style
    The peculiar way in which an artist sees his subject, forms his ideas, and expresses them. Great artworks are marked as much by their memorable substance as well as by their distinctive style. Style should suit content.
  • Permanence
    A great work of art endures. It can be viewed again and again as each encounter gives fresh delight and new insights and opens new worlds of meaning and experience. Its appeal is lasting.
  • Universality
    Great art is timeless and timely. It is forever relevant and appeals to one and all, anytime, anywhere because it deals with the elemental feelings, fundamental truths, and universal conditions.
  • Form
    Artistic forms are skeletal structures or conceptual frameworks designed to support or enclose parts of the works of art. It is the organization, arrangement, or framework of an artwork; the manner or style of constructing, arranging, and coordinating the parts of a composition for a pleasing or effective result.