Chap 4 sts

Cards (49)

  • Society applauds the recent advancements of scientific technology in fields such as medicine, energy, and communication.
  • While humankind profits in many ways from this technology, a few voices are heard cautioning society to consider the implications of this developments.
  • Martin Heidegger is a german philosopher. "The Question Concerning Technology"
  • "The Question Concerning Technology"
    Modern technology and its essence as an instrumental way of revealing the world. Modern technology is conceived as means to achieve ends.
  • The essence of technology is not something we make; it is a mode of being or of revealing. It shapes how technological things exist and interact in the world.
  • Technology based on its essence in Heidegger's view.
    *The essence of technology is not something we make; it is a mode of being, or of revealing.
    *Technology extends its influence.
    *Matter of modern and industrial technology.
    *Science itself relies on technology's prior understanding of nature as calculable and orderable forces.
  • 2 characteristics of modern technology as a revealing process.
    *The mode of revealing of modern technology is a challenging.
    *The challenging or demanding that brings forth the energy of nature is an "expediting" (meaning to speed up movement)
  • Contrasted "Physis" is arising of something from itself, a bringing-forth or poiesis.
  • In the mode of revealing of modern technology is a challenging, it is putting to nature the unreasonable demand that it supply energy that can be extracted and stored.
  • In the mode of revealing of modern technology is a challenging, mining technology is a good example.
  • In modern technology, nature reveals itself as manipulable, providing energy when demanded. The way things are revealed has led to a new artificial world order. This order sees nature as something to be manupilated, not an independent reality deserving respect.
  • In challenging or demanding that brings forth the energy of nature is an "expediting", it "unlocks" or "exposes" something.
  • Expediting is to speed up movement.
  • "Standing in Reserve" is a term used by Heidegger to name the things that are revealed in modern technology.
  • Objects are things that "stands againts us" as things with autonomy.
  • Nature is seen as standing in reserve, stripped of its autonomy.
  • Old technology respects nature as an autonomous object.
  • Modern: artificial
  • Old: natural
  • Example of modern: artificial
    *hydropower plant views the river as a source standing in reserve for energy, part of an interconnected system.
  • Example of old: natural
    *building a wooden bridge sees the river as a permanent part of nature, respecting its autonomy.
  • "Enframing" in Heidegger's view is the 'essence' or core of modern technology.
  • The frame of modern technology is the network or interlocking things standing in reserve.
  • Enframing revolves around human desires and demands, emphasizing manipulation and removing the sense of mystery from the world.
  • We cannot possess absolute knowledge or full control over reality; we are mere "guardians" of creation.
  • Due to human arrogance, nature is in the verge of destruction.
  • Eudaimonia
    "Good fortune", "material prosperity".
    A situation achieved through virtue, knowledge and excellence.
  • Learning to be human is central to Confucian humanism and its "creative transformation" of the self through an "ever-expanding network of relationships encompassing the family community, nation, world and beyond.
  • 3 motivating parts of the soul/mind
    *spirited or emotional
  • Eudaimonia
    -It is constituted not by honor or wealth power but by rational activity in the virtues of character, the intellectual virtues, mutually beneficial friendships, and scientific knowledge particularly of things that are fundamental and unchanging.
  • Rational activity includes
  • Intellectual virtues includes
  • All humans seek to flourish
    • The proper and desired end of all of our actions.
  • 4 aspects of human nature
    • Physical
    • Emotional
    • Social
    • Rational
  • Physical
    • Nohrishment, exercise, and rest
  • Emotional
    • Wants, desires, urges, and reactions.
  • Social
    • Builds on emotions, function in particular societies.
  • Rational
    • Creative, expressive, knowledge seeking, and able to obey reason
  • Self-actualization involves moral growth, and vice versa.
  • Human flourishing or personal flourishing
    • Using one's talents, abilities, and virtues in a rational way to pursue freely chosen values and goals.