Cards (95)

  • Name the four aspects of human nature
    Physical, Emotional, Social, Rational
  • In modern technology, nature reveals itself as manipulable, providing energy when demanded
  • He is a german philosopher who made "The question concerning technology"

    Martin Heidegger
  • It is essence as an instrumental way of reveling the world
    Modern technology
  • It is concieved as means to achieve ends
    Modern technology
  • The essence of technology is not something we make; it is a mode of being, or revealing
  • In technology based on its essence in Heidegger's view is it true that technology does not extend its influence?
  • Technology based on essence in heideggers view: modern and industrial influence

  • Science itself relies on technology's prior understanding of nature as calculable and orderable forces.
  • Name the two characteristics of modern technology as a revealing process
    challenging, expiditing
  • It is the term used by Heidegger to name the things that are revealed in modern technology
    Standing in Reserve
  • Arising of something from itself, a bringing-forth or poiesis
  • Building a wooden bridge sees the river as permanent part of nature, respecting its autonomy. (approach is not manipulative but follows the river's rule)
    Old : Natural
  • It means "to speed up movement"

  • Hydropower plant views the river as a source standing in reserve for energy, part of an interconnected system

    Modern : Artificial
  • It is also seen as standing reserve, stripped of its autonomy
  • Objects are things that "stand against us" as things with autonomy
  • Things as standing in reserve are "objects'
  • Regarding this limited process of revelation means ignoring the essence of truth
    False (disregarding)
  • In heidegger's view it is the essence or core of modern technology
  • The _____ of modern technology is the network or interlocking od things standing in reserve
  • Enframing revolves around human desires and demands emphasizing manipulation and removing the sense of mystery from the world.

  • Heidegger does not believe that truth relies on maintaning a sense of mystery
  • The process of truth will revert back into the realm of erring (going astray)
  • "Good fortune", " material prosperity"
  • We possess absolute knowledge or full control over reality; we are mere "guardians" of creation

    False (can't possess)
  • Nature is beyond our control, and its truth is elusive. It might be the one controlling us.

  • In his view all humans seek to flourish - the proper and desired end of all of our actions
    Aristotle's view
  • A situation achieved through virtue, knowledge, and excellence
  • It is constituted not by honor or wealth power but by : the intellectual virtues ( rationality and judgement)
  • Under the four aspects of human nature, it involves being creative, expressive, knowledge seeking and able to obey reason
  • H____ F__________ involves fulfilling both a persons human nature and unique abilities, focusing on choices and actions
    Human Flourishing
  • Under the 4 aspects of human nature it involves wants, desires, urges and reactions
  • ____-___________ differs from one person to another, as concrete actions like choosing a career, education, friends, and home are individualized
  • Under the four aspects of human nature it involves builds on emotions and function in particular societies
  • This means using one's talents, abilities, and virtues in a rational way
    Human flourishing
  • Pursuing rational goals through ________ means is the key to successfully coping with reality and achieving personal goals
  • Self actualization involves m____ g_____
    moral growth
  • Human flourishing is not just an abstract concept; its real and deeply personal experience
  • To achieve human flourishing, one must use _________ reasoning to consider their unique needs, circumstances, and capabilities