Lombardian Ethic: Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing
form sport: competitor tries to achieve aesthetics, subjective judge/panel of judges
aesthetics: beauty of well-developed body in motion, brilliant play, dramatic competition or unity of a performance
Athens, 1896: First modern Olympic games
Pierre de Coubertin: founder of modern Olympic games, Frenchman who strongly opposed female participation in Olympics
quid pro quo: this for that
game reasoning: cheating is rationalized with only "here and now"
attrition: shedding model of game and sport
Chicago Black Sox: Chicago White Sox team that intentionally threw the 1919 World Series against the Reds for money from a gambling syndicate
John Nicholls' Theory of Motivation: "Individuals are motivated to demonstrate high ability; they are also motivated to avoid the demonstration of low ability"
The Cycle Phenomenon: mastery of motor skills -> public demonstration of physical competence -> recognition/enjoyment -> adherence/persistence
CBS/NBC/ABC: first sports broadcasters
vicarious spectators: virtual sports fans
functionalism: the need for pattern maintenance and tension management, integration, goal obtainment and adaptation
conflict theory: sport generates and intensifies alienation, used as a tool for social control, promotes commercialism/materialism and encourages nationalism, militarism and sexism
1989 Australian Grand Prix: Road conditions were poor but the race went on
First intercollegiate contest: 1852 for men in crew (Harvard vs. Yale)
First women's intercollegiate contest: 1896 for women in basketball (Cal vs. Stanford)
sport has an amateur ethos
athletics has a professional ethos
athlon: prize
athlete: competitor for a prize
hyper-physicality: allowed, promoted and rewarded in sport
NCAA: founded in 1906
remuneration: pay or other compensation in exchange for services performed
instrumental: Bernard Suits said athletics are instrumental rather than autotelic because it focuses on the end goal rather than the process of achieving it