mumbai - case study

Cards (7)

  • dharavi : largest slum in Mumbai
    • population of 1 million people
    • 10k different industries there
    • $665 mil annual income
    • recycling is a big thing, people will recycle things by hand which is good for the environment as rubbish is not being wasted and being reused rather than disposed in landfill
    • most people are informally employed
    • there's a lack of service, sanitation and planning as people moves to Dharavi at a rapid speed, rural - urban migration,
    • population of 1 million people
    • 10k different industries there
    • $665 mil annual income
    • recycling is a big thing, people will recycle things by hand which is good for the environment as rubbish is not being wasted and being reused rather than disposed in landfill
    • most people are informally employed
    • there's a lack of service, sanitation and planning as people moves to Dharavi at a rapid speed, rural - urban migration,