Neil Armstrong is the first person who walked in the moon
Galileo made the first map of the moon in the early 17th century
The moon was formed about 4 billion years ago from debris left over when a Mars-sized body collided with the young earth
The moon has no atmosphere, so it can not support life
The moon orbits around the Earth at an average distance of 384,000km
The moon has no atmosphere, so it cannot retain heat or water vapor
The moon is tidally locked to Earth, meaning that one side always faces us while the other remains dark
The moon rotates around its axis at the same rate as it revolves around the Earth, which means that one side always faces us while the other remains dark
It takes approximately one month (29 days) to orbit once around the Earth
The moon orbits around the Earth at an average distance of 238,900 miles (384,400 km)
The moon takes approximately 27 days to orbit once around the Earth
The moon rotates on its axis at the same rate as it revolves around the Earth, which means that we always see the same side of the Moon.
The moon's gravity affects ocean tides on Earth
The moon's gravitational pull slows down the rotation of the Earth, causing our days to get longer over time.
New Moon,Waxing Cresent,Half Moon,Waxing Gibbous,Full Moon,Waning Gibbous,Waning Cresent