
Cards (13)

  • Sampling methods
    • Probability samples
    • Non-probability samples
  • Simple random sampling
    Everyone in population has equal chance of being sampled
  • Stratified sampling
    • Population is first divided into groups (e.g., gender, ethnicity, age)
    • Within each group, a probability sample (often a simple random sample) is selected
  • Quota sampling
    • Same idea as stratified without the simple random sample
    • picking carefully the sampling
  • Convenience sampling
    • Whoever is easiest to get
  • Consecutive sampling

    • Keep using convenience sample
  • Snowball sampling
    • Participants in your study recruit others that they know
  • Volunteer sampling

    • Whoever volunteers
  • The method that minimizes risk to participants should be the preferred choice
  • Acceptance bias
    Occurs when there is something systematic about the people that choose to be in your experiment
  • Rejection bias
    Occurs when there is something systematic about people that don't participate in your study
  • Ceiling effect
    Occurs when you are measuring something (DV) that is already topped-out
  • Floor effect
    Occurs when you are measuring something (DV) that is already bottomed-out