Protected from the adverse effects of many potential toxicants by an anatomical blood–brain barrier
Neurons are highly dependent on aerobic metabolism because this energy is needed to maintain proper ion gradients
Targets of neurotoxic compounds
Toxicant induced irreversible loss of neurons, including its cytoplasmicextensions, dendrites and axons, and the myelinensheathingtheaxon
Toxicant induced axonal degeneration, and loss of the myelin surrounding that axon, while the neuron cell body remains intact
Numerous naturally occurringtoxins as well as synthetic chemicals may interrupt thetransmission of impulses, block or accentuate transsynaptic communication, block reuptake ofneurotransmitters, or interfere with second messenger systems
Blood-brain barrier
Molecules must pass into the cell membranes of endothelial cells of the brain rather than between endothelial cells, as they do in other tissues
Contains xenobiotic transporters that transport some xenobiotics that have diffused through endothelial cells back into the blood
Spinal and autonomic ganglia and a small number of other sites within the brain are not protected by blood–tissue barriers
processes that underlie development of the NS.
1. Replication
2. Migration
3. Differentiation
4. Myelination
5. Synapse formation
The insufficient replacement of damaged neural cells, the slow formation of the blood–brain barrier, and the lack of key metabolic enzymes may influence NS sensitivity
Energy source for neurons to maintain proper ion gradients
The brain is extremely sensitive to even brief interruptions in the supply of oxygen or glucose
Exposure to toxicants that inhibit aerobic respiration (e.g., cyanide) or to conditions that produce hypoxia (e.g., COpoisoning) leads to early signs of neuronaldysfunction
Intercellularcommunication in the nervous system through the synapse
Axonal transport
1. Motor proteins actively navigate microtubules to deliver diverse materials, such as organelles, from one end of the axon to the other
2. Anterogradetransport - transporting nutrients, organelles and other molecules towards the presynaptic terminals
3. Retrogradetransport - transporting damaged organelles and recycled plasma membrane back to the neuron cell body
Mutationsin genes encoding key components of the transport machinery, including motor proteins, motor adaptors and microtubules, have been discovered to cause neurological disease
Disruptions in axonal cargo trafficking have been extensively reported across a wide range of nervous system disorders
Disruptions to axonal transport
Damagetomolecular motors
Damageto cargoes (such as inhibiting their attachment to motors)
Degeneration of the distal portion of the severed axon, first described by Augustus Waller in 1850 and termed Wallerian Degeneration
Axon regeneration
1. Schwann cells provide physical guidance and release growth factors to stimulate growth
2. Resident and recruited macrophages and the denervatedSchwann cells clear myelin debris so that a new axon can grow into the space
Dying-back phenomenon
In motor degenerative diseases and peripheral nerve diseases caused by toxic insults, the axons of the unhealthy neurons develop a 'dying-back' phenomenon, which starts from the distal terminal and progressively spreads toward the cell body, before death of the cell body
Loss of the cell body and all of its processes, with no potential for regeneration
The axon may degenerate while the neuronal cell body continues to survive
Myelinating cell (Schwann cells in PNS or oligodendrocytes in CNS) encircles an axon and progressively wraps multiple layers around it, extruding cytoplasm and extracellular space
The maintenance of myelin is dependent on a number of membrane-associated proteins and on metabolism of specific lipids present in myelin bilayers
Some toxic compounds interfere with the maintenance of myelin and result in the toxic myelinopathies
Loss of myelin, with the preservation of axons
Mechanisms of neurotoxicity
Neuronopathy - toxicant targets the neuron
Axonopathy - toxicant targets the axon
Myelinopathy - toxicant targets the myelinating cell
Neurotransmitter-associated neurotoxicity - toxicant targets the neurotransmitter system
amphetamines, atropine, cocaine, muscarine, nicotine, glutamate and other excitatory amino acids
Generalized depression of CNS function
Produced by a variety of volatile solvents that are small lipophilic molecules, through interactions with ligand gated ion channels and voltage gated calcium channels
Primary means of defense in the CNS following exposure to neurotoxicants, as a spatial buffering system for osmotically active ions, and as a depot for the sequestration and metabolic processing of endogenous molecules and xenobiotics
Effects of neurotoxicants on astrocytes
ammonia – astrocytic swelling and morphological changes
nitrochemicals – produce gliovascular lesions that target astrocytes in the gray matter of the brainstem
Functional manifestations of neurotoxicity
Tests to identify the presence of a neurotoxic substance
Characterization of the effects on sensory, motor, autonomic, and cognitive functions
Evaluation at a cellular and molecular level to understand the events in the nervous system that cause the neurologic dysfunction
Central nervous system (CNS)
Protected from the adverse effects of many potential toxicants by an anatomical blood–brain barrier
Neurons are highly dependent on aerobic metabolism because this energy is needed to maintain proper ion gradients
Targets of neurotoxic compounds
Myelinating cell
Neurotransmitter system
Toxicant induced irreversible loss of neurons, including its cytoplasmic extensions, dendrites and axons, and the myelin ensheathing the axon