Validity is the most important issue in selecting a test
Tells you if the characteristic being measured is related to jobqualifications and requirements
Indicates a linkage between testperformance and jobperformance
If a test has been demonstrated to be a valid predictor of performance on a specific job, you can conclude that persons scoring high on the test are more likely to perform well on the job than persons who score low on the test, all else being equal
General Categories of Validity
Face Validity
The extent to which a test is subjectively viewed as measuring the concept it claims to measure
Content-Related Validation
Are you measuring the contentyou say you are measuring
Important in EducationTesting
Based on expertjudgment
One issue is that educators write tests based on their ownpersonalexperiences
Criterion-Related Validation
Relationship between test performance and specific outcome
Allows for predictive validation
Allows for concurrent validity
Construct-Related Validation
Test measures the construct or characteristic it claims to measure
In the absence of "gold standard" criterion, test results should converge or besimilar to other assessmentsofsameconstruct