uppers, upper middles, middle class, working class, upper
lowers, lower lowers; LIFE STYLE: freaky, trendy,
ethnic; PERSONALITY: dominance, authoritarian,
Consumer Response Approach
Conditions for Effective Marketing
Targetmarket is one which the marketing efforts are
directed towards.
The factors that play significant role in the process of
targeting are:
Entire market serve with one product.
Example: American car Manufacturers
Local market with variety of products.
Focuses on only one or a few segments.
Strategic planning
is the formal consideration of an
organization’s future.
If a company’s product has a low market share and
is at a low rate of growth, found in the lower right quadrant of the grid, don't generate much cash for the company since they have low market share and little to no growth.
Cash Cows
Products that are in low-growth areas but for
which the company has a relatively large market share, seen in the lower left quadrant, are typically leading products in markets that are mature.
Products that are in high growth markets and that
make up a sizable portion of that market, In the upper left quadrant, which generate high income but also consume large amounts of company cash.
Question Marks
are those in high growth rate markets but in which the company does not maintain a large market share, are in the upper right portion of the grid.
They typically grow fast but consume large amounts of
company resources. Products in this quadrant should be
analyzed frequently and closely to see if they are worth
Assessing growth opportunities
involves planning new
businesses, downsizing, or terminating older businesses.
For higher sales and profits, a company's options for
growth include:
integrative growth
diversification growth.
Market PenetrationStrategy:
Using this strategy, a company considers whether it could gain market share with its current products in current markets by encouraging current customers to buy more, attracting competitors' customers, or convincing non-users to start buying its products. This strategy has low risk because the company already knows the market and knows the product.
Market-Development Strategy:
A company considers
whether it can find or develop new markets for its current
products. This is higher risk than the market penetration
strategy because the company will not know the market as
well, but will still know the product well.
Product-Development Strategy:
A company considerscwhether it can develop a new product for its current markets. This is similar risk to that of the Market- Development Strategy as the company will know the market well, but not the product.
Backward Integration:
occurs when a
company acquires a supplier.
ForwardIntegration: \ occurs when a
company acquires a distributor.
Horizontal Integration:
occurs when
a company acquires a competitor.
Diversification is when a company develops a new product
for a new segment.
It is the riskiest of the growth strategies, but can make
good sense when opportunities exist outside the present
Strategic planning is the formal consideration of an