The concept that all sensate species that feel pain are of equal value and have rights.
Animal welfare
The human care and treatment of animals.
At risk
The likelihood of a subject being harmed in some way because of the nature of the research.
The principle of full disclosure at the end of an experiment.
That is, explaining to the subject the nature and purpose of the study.
The unethical practice of falsifying or fabricating data.
Plagiarism is also a form of fraud.
Informed consent
A subject's voluntary agreement to participate in a research project after the nature and purpose of the study have been explained.
Institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC)
An institutional committee that have reviews proposed research to a safeguard the welfare of animal subjects.
Institutional review board
An institutional committee that reviews proposed research to safeguard the welfare of animal subjects.
Minimal risk
The subject's odds of being harmed are not increased by the research.
The representation of someone else's ideas, words, or written work as one's own.
A serious breach of ethics that can result in legal action.
Risk/Benefit analysis
A determination, made by an IRB, that any risks to the individual are outweighed by potential benefits or the importance of the knowledge to be gained.
Archival study
A descriptive method in which already existing records are reexamined for a new purpose.