Can alter the glucose urine test; therefore a blood test should be used to monitor glucose levels
Avoid antacids as they interfere with absorption, inform them to increase fluids and take the drug with food to minimize GI upset
Bethanechol (Urinary Stimulant)
Increase bladder tone of detrusor urinary muscle
Produces a contraction strong enough to stimulate urination
Use: Neurogenic bladder, urinary retention
SE: GI distress, headache, dizziness
Nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity
Contraindication: Peptic Ulcer(s)
Oxybutynin (Urinary Antispasmodic)
Direct action on smooth muscles to relieve spasms
SE: Drowsiness, dizziness
Blurred vision, tachycardia
Dry mouth, GI distress, constipation
Contraindication: Avoid in glaucoma, GI, or urinary obstruction
Trimethoprim Sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim DS)
One of the most common antibiotics used for UTIs (around 90%)
Can be used for a systemic infection; slow-acting bactericidal effects against most gram-negative and gram-positive organisms
SE: CNS: headache, dizziness
GI: C-diff, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia
MS: malaysia
Dermatologic: photosensitivity
Renal: crystalluria
Fluid is important: Pt with a UTI should increase their intake to help flush the kidney; including water and cranberry juice NOT CAFFEINE
Methenamine (Urinary Antiseptic)
Interferes with cell wall synthesis by forming ammonia and formaldehyde in the urine; take this with cranberry juice to acidify the urine and make it work