
Cards (12)

  • Cystitis Symptoms
    • Pain and burning on urination
    • Frequency
    • Urgency
  • Cystitis in men
    Usually due to prostatitis; similar symptoms
  • Pyelonephritis Symptoms

    • Chills, fever, flank pain
    • Painful urination, frequency, urgency, pyuria
    • Bacteria count is > than 100,000 bacteria/mL
  • Severe cases of pyelonephritis might be hospitalized to receive IV antibiotics
  • Urinary Analgesic
    Medication used to relieve pain, discomfort, and irritation in the urinary tract
  • Urinary Stimulant

    Medication that enhances the function of the urinary system, typically by increasing urine production or promoting bladder emptying
  • Urinary Antispasmodic
    Medication used to relieve spasms or involuntary contractions of the muscles in the urinary tract
  • Phenazopyridine (Urinary Analgesic)
    • Relieve pain, burning sensation, frequency, urgency
    • Renal: Red-orange urine (dye) -> use for 1-2 days
    • Toxicities: Nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity
    • GI: distress
    • Can alter the glucose urine test; therefore a blood test should be used to monitor glucose levels
    • Avoid antacids as they interfere with absorption, inform them to increase fluids and take the drug with food to minimize GI upset
  • Bethanechol (Urinary Stimulant)

    • Increase bladder tone of detrusor urinary muscle
    • Produces a contraction strong enough to stimulate urination
    • Use: Neurogenic bladder, urinary retention
    • SE: GI distress, headache, dizziness
    • Nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity
    • Contraindication: Peptic Ulcer(s)
  • Oxybutynin (Urinary Antispasmodic)

    • Direct action on smooth muscles to relieve spasms
    • SE: Drowsiness, dizziness
    • Blurred vision, tachycardia
    • Dry mouth, GI distress, constipation
    • Contraindication: Avoid in glaucoma, GI, or urinary obstruction
  • Trimethoprim Sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim DS)

    • One of the most common antibiotics used for UTIs (around 90%)
    • Can be used for a systemic infection; slow-acting bactericidal effects against most gram-negative and gram-positive organisms
    • SE: CNS: headache, dizziness
    • GI: C-diff, diarrhea, abdominal pain, anorexia
    • MS: malaysia
    • Dermatologic: photosensitivity
    • Renal: crystalluria
    • Fluid is important: Pt with a UTI should increase their intake to help flush the kidney; including water and cranberry juice NOT CAFFEINE
  • Methenamine (Urinary Antiseptic)
    • Interferes with cell wall synthesis by forming ammonia and formaldehyde in the urine; take this with cranberry juice to acidify the urine and make it work
    • Uses: Chronic UTI
    • Should not be taken with sulfonamides
    • SE: GI: nausea, upset stomach, mild diarrhea
    • CNS: headache, dizziness, weakness
    • Renal: crystalluria
    • Super-infection: vaginal itching or discharge