A rational, physiologically-based index of comfort, expressed in terms of a uniform environment at 50% RH, 0.125 m/s air velocity, 1 met activity, and 0.6 clo clothing
The temperature of a still, saturated atmosphere that would produce the same effect as the actual atmosphere, considering RH, air velocity, and air temperature
Based on reactions of 2000 factory workers, takes into account air temperature, RH and mean radiant temperature, reliable up to 35°C with low RH and 30°C with high RH, underestimates cooling effect of air movement at high humidity
Considers heat stresses experienced by seamen, indicated by sweat rate, pulse and internal temperature, unsuitable for temperatures below 28°C, underestimates cooling effects of air movement at high humidities
Calculated cooling rate produced by sweating to maintain thermal balance, reliable between comfort and severe stress if thermal equilibrium can be maintained
Determines hot or cold discomfort for each month based on temperature and RH, with different limits for day and night, and hot, average and cold climates