topic 19

Cards (5)

  • define generalization and it's three kinds
    behaviour that occurs in the presence of a SD that is similar to that used in training; in other words, behaviour change that exists beyond the training program
    • response maintanence
    • transfer of behaviour across situations and settings
    • response generalization
  • what are the three categories of generalization strategies
    1. exploit natural contingences
    2. train diversely; allow variations
    3. incorporate functional mediators; a stimulus that occurs between training and generalization, facilitates or promotes generalization
  • what are the 9 specific strategies?
    • reinforce generalization
    • training skills that contact natural contingencies of reinforcement
    • thin the schedule of reinforcement
    • modify contingencies of reinforcement and punishment in the natural environment
    • incorporate a wide range of relevant stimulus situations; expand stimulus control
    • train with everyday antecedent settings and situations
    • teach a range of functionally equivalent responses; response class
    • use general case training/general case programming
    • incorporate self-generated mediators of generalization
  • specific strategies: how to set a behavioural trap
    1. identify your prey; select behaviours that have natural reinforcers and that lend themselves to frequent practice
    2. find some powerful bait
    3. set the trap
    4. maintain your trap line
    5. appraise your catch
  • how to implement generalization strategies
    1. identify the target stimulus for the behavior
    2. identify the natural contingencies of reinforcement for the behaviour
    3. implement appropriate strategies to promote generalization; booster program = additional intervention sessions carried out to restore the original program's training
    4. measure generalization of behaviour change; generalization probes: trials that check whether the person performs the behaviour with relevant, natural antecedents