Asexual Reproduction

Cards (4)

  • Asexual reproduction
    • the process that results in the production of genetically identical offspring from one parent, without the fusion of gametes.
    • Gametes are sex cells that are produced by the reproductive organs. Examples are the sperm and eggs.
  • Mitosis
    • a type of cell division giving rise to genetically identical cells in which the chromosome number is maintained.
    • Cells divide by mitosis during organism growth and tissue repair
    • New cells replace worn out cells to perform function of old cell
    • Parent cell:
    Four chromosomes
    DNA replication
    Doubling of the chromosomes
    X-shaped chromosomes

    • Daughter cells:
    Identical to parent cell
    Identical to each other
    Same chromosomes
    Same genes
  • Advantages of Asexual Reproduction

    • only one parent is required
    • fusion of nuclei of gametes not required
    • all beneficial qualities are passed on to offspring
    • faster than sexual reproduction
  • Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction
    • No genetic variation in offspring, species not well-adapted to changes in environment
    • E.g. If parent does not have resistance to particular disease, offspring will also not have resistance. So, the whole population could be wiped out by the disease