Circ. System pg. 40-48

Cards (16)

  • Sinoatrial node (SA node)

    Embedded nerve fibers in the wall of the right atrium that initiate heart muscle contraction
  • Heart muscle contraction
    1. Stimulation of SA node
    2. Electrical signal from SA node stimulates contraction of atria
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)

    Electrical machine that can observe the electrical activity of the heart
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)

    • Generates a graph of the heart's electrical activity
  • Atrial systole
    Contraction of the atria
  • Diastolic blood pressure
    Blood pressure reading when the atria relax and blood moves through the AV valves into the ventricles
  • P wave

    Sound of the AV valves closing after atrial contraction
  • Electrical signal conduction
    AV node conducts signals to Bundle of His and Purkinje Fibers in ventricle walls
  • QRS complex
    Electrical activation of the ventricles
  • PR interval
    Time between atrial and ventricular activation
  • QT interval
    Time between ventricular activation and recovery
  • The Bundle of His is named after the discoverer, Swiss cardiologist, Wilhelm His Jr in 1893
  • Ventricular contraction
    1. Simultaneous contraction of right and left ventricles
    2. Pushes blood through semilunar valves
  • Systolic blood pressure
    Blood pressure reading during ventricular contraction
  • T wave
    Ventricular relaxation and recovery
  • Semilunar valve closure
    Causes the 'dubb' sound of the heart