SS cycle test

Cards (44)

  • Years ago the San people lived in Southern Africa
    20 000
  • Location of the San people
    • Everywhere in Southern Africa
  • Egalitarian system
    Government system of the San people
  • Headman
    Passed down role that looked after resources
  • Social system of the San people
    • Small groups of 20-30 people
    • Men and women gifted equally - men hunted, women gathered
  • What the San people ate
    • Hunted meat (75%)
    • Gathered wild plants and berries (25%)
    • No farming
  • Types of shelter
    • Lived in the open, used caves or rock shelters if needed due to weather
  • Religion
    High regard for nature, believed their gods could influence nature
  • The San people showed their culture through their religion and beliefs
  • Khoi people
    Indigenous people who lived in Southern Africa around 2000 years ago
  • When the Khoi people lived in Southern Africa
    2000 years ago
  • Location of Khoi people
    • Settled in Southern Africa (indicated with YELLOW on map)
    • Some movement shown with RED arrows
  • Government systems and Politics of Khoi people
    1. Ruled by a headman who made decisions and settled civil disputes
    2. Men and women were not treated equally
  • Social System of Khoi people
    • Lived in groups of 100-1000
    • Land owned communally
    • Men tended to cattle, women gathered and crops and milked cattle
  • What the Khoi people ate
    • Meat - cattle, sheep, wild game, seafood
    • Vegetables - wild plants (nothing grown)
    • They were pastoralists, farmed animals only
  • Shelter of Khoi people
    • Semi-nomadic, built mat houses (matjiehs) - round huts made with a sapling frame covered in reed mats
  • Religion and culture of Khoi people
    • Worshipped a god called Tsui/Goab
    • Had rituals to mark important events like weddings, births and deaths
    • Cattle only slaughtered for rituals
  • Main difference between Khoi and African farmers - Khoi were pastoralists, African farmers grew crops
  • When African farmers settled in Southern Africa
    20 years ago
  • Reasons why African farmers moved to Southern Africa
    • Population growth
    • More food available
    • Sahara desert expanding
    • Conflict between nations and other tribes
  • Government systems and Politics of African farmers
    1. Autocracy - ruled by a chief
    2. Chief conducted trade and made decisions, but power limited by elders
  • Social System of African farmers
    • Men herded/tended to animals and protected the village
    • Women looked after crops, childcare, cooking
  • Wealth of African farmers
    • Cattle - used for transactions, rituals, and lobola (bride price)
    • Cattle were valuable, provided milk, meat, clothing, and containers
  • Shelter of African farmers
    • Kraals - circular huts made of mud, brick-like stones, and thatch
    • Moved around more often
  • What African farmers ate

    • Meat - chicken, goats, sheep, game, cattle
    • Crops - beans, sorghum, fish, crayfish
  • African farmers were pastoralists (farmed animals) and crop farmers
  • When the Dutch (VOC) arrived in the Cape

  • VOC (Dutch East India Company)
    A trading company that traded around the world, formed to challenge Portuguese and Spanish domination of the European spice trade
  • Purpose of the Dutch settlement in the Cape

    • Defend against Khoi attacks by building a fort
    • Act as a halfway point on the route between Asia and Europe, providing fresh food and water
    • Defend Dutch trade routes from the French and British
  • The first buildings built were the Castle and the Company Gardens, which were later expanded into Cape Town
  • Free Burghers
    • In 1687, some of the best applicants were allowed to select land which they could occupy as freemen (no longer VOC employees)
    • They had to stay on the east side of the Liesbeek River and sell produce to the VOC
    • They were allowed to trade with the Khoi
  • Expansion of the Dutch settlement
    Resulted in conflicts with the Khoi who lost grazing land as farmers occupied the land and in some instances seized Khoi cattle
  • Dutch immigration to the Cape
    • Initially grew slowly, so in 1679 the VOC appointed Simon van der Stel as governor to promote immigration from the Netherlands
    • Many free burghers moved to Paarl to set up farms, but the white population remained quite low
  • French Huguenots
    • French Protestants who fled France and were invited to live in South Africa by the Dutch
    • To increase the white population, they were highly trained farmers and craftsmen, and shared the Protestant religion
  • In 1688, a number of French Huguenot families arrived at the Cape and introduced grape farming to South Africa
  • Alexander the Great
    Powerful king of Macedonia who conquered the Achaemenid Empire, ruling over one of the largest empires in history
  • Background of Alexander the Great
    • Greek city-states were divided and weakened after the Peloponnesian War
    • Macedonia, ruled by a monarchy, was seen as a backwards land by the Greeks
    • Philip II of Macedonia moulded Macedonia into an efficient military force and subdued the territories around Macedonia and Greece
  • Aristotle
    Famous Greek philosopher hired by Philip II to tutor the young Alexander, who grew to be very pro-Greek but also learned about Persian culture
  • After subduing the Greek city-states, Philip II planned to take his armies into the Achaemenid Empire, but was assassinated before he could do so
  • Alexander the Great's conquests
    • Conquered Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, Babylonia, Persia, and prepared to campaign in India
    • Accumulated one of the largest empires in history, but his soldiers wanted to return home, so he agreed and they turned back