Applies properly to God, since He has no beginning or end
Applies properly to creatures, since they have a beginning though may have no end
The notion of everlasting life is difficult to grasp, even for us Christians, since all our present experience is transitory and fleeting
It is because of death that human beings long for a lasting home
Eternity (Plato)
A timeless and transcendent state totally outside the dimension of time
Eternity (Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas)
Lacking beginning or end
Lacking successiveness, existing entirely at once
Benedict XVI: 'Everlasting life is "something more like the supreme moment of satisfaction, in which totality embraces us and we embrace totality"'
In the Bible, Everlasting life is always connected to God who is eternal
God's love, blessings, and other attributes and benefits endure without end; as long as God exists, so do they
Only God can define what eternal life is
Man is created in God's image
The seed of eternity has been intimately imbedded in the nature of human person
A close connection is made between eternal life and obedience to God's commandments
Jesus is our good Shepherd who showed us the way and provided the food that sustains us to eternity: His flesh and blood
St. Ignatius of Antioch: 'The Eucharist is "The medicine of immortality, and the antidote against death"'
Jesus will confer eternallife to those who have shared their good things to the poor, while eternal punishment to those who withheld good things to them