Athens Greece- widely credited with the creating the world’s s Greece- first democracy.
Democracy according to Plato- Greek word for “people”demos and “rule”kratia.
Greek Democracy- political power is not concentrated in the hands of one or even a small group of people but fairly and evenly distributed among all the people.
Assembly- comprised of no less than the first 6,000 citizens to arrive at its meeting.
*The fall of Athens was followed by the emergence of Rome.
Legal System- Rome’s biggest contribution to democracy which codified key concepts like equal protection, innocent until guilty, and the right to confront one’s accuser.
Ideology set of ideas that tries to link through action.
ideology - a fairly coherent and comprehensive set of ideas that explains and evaluate social conditions help people understand their place in society, and provides a program for social and political action.
Explanatory- offers an explanation of why social, political, and economic conditions are as they or, particularly in times of crisis.
Evaluate- to supply standards for evaluating conditions.
Orientative- an ideology supplies its adherent with an orientation and a sense of identity of who he or she is.
Programmatic- tells its followers to do and how to do it. It performs a programmatic and prescriptive function by setting out a general program of social and political action.
Human Nature Some ideologies assume that it is the "nature" of human beings to compete with one another
in hopes of acquiring the greatest possible share of scarce sources;
Freedom refers to a relationship involving an agent who is both free from some obstacle and free to
achieve some goal.
AN AGENT- is the person or group that is or should be free but an agent is not simply free; to be free, an agent must be free to pursue a goal
A BARRIER OR OBSTACLE BLOCKING THE AGENT- no one can be free when there are obstacles that prevent him or her from doing what he or she wants to do
A GOAL AT WHICH THE AGENT AIMS- “freedom” refers to a relationship involving an
agent who is both free from some obstacle and free to achieve some goal
Democracy- began in ancient Greece
for Greeks demokratia meant specifically "rule or government by the common people
Demos or Majority (Single class)- uneducated, unsophisticated, and poor- these people made up the majority of the citizenry.
Aristocracy- rule by the aristoi, the "best" those supposedly most qualified to rule or to govern.
Athens- the largest polis.
Athenians called their polis a democracy.
Pericles- the most famous leader of the Athenian democracy.
Aristocrats believed that only the well-established citizens, were wise enough to govern.
Pericles and the Democrats believed that most citizens were capable of governing if only they could afford to take the time away from their farms and work.
To be a Citizen of Athens
Male Athenian
Resident foreigners
Liberal Democracy- stresses the rights and liberty of the individual and it is the form of democracy that characterizes most Western democracies.
Social Democracy- linked to the ideology of Socialism.
from "social democratic" or "democraticsocialist" perspective, the key
to democracy is equality, especially equal power in society and government.
People's Democracy- consist of rule by the communist party for the benefit of the
working majority.
Majority Rule and Minority Rights- democracies are systems in which citizens freely make olitical decision by majority rule.
Pluralism- government is only one thread in the social fabric of many varied public and private institutions, legal forums, political parties, organizations, and associations.
Democratic Society- have the thousands of Private organizations, some local, and some national.
Speech, Assembly, and Protest- freedom of speech and expression especially about political and social issues, is the lifeblood of many democracy.
Religious Freedom and Tolerance- all citizens should be free to follow their conscience in matters of religious faith.
Citizen Responsibilities- for democracy to succeed, citizens must be active, not passive, because they know that the success or failure of the government is their responsibility.
Elections- serve as the principal mechanism for translating that consent into governmentalauthority.
Equal Adherence to Law- democratic governments exercise authority by way of the law and are themselves subject to the laws constraints.