HRM: all people working for and with the organization (BOD, top management, consultants, resource persons, middle management, rank and file)
SCOPE: hours of work
PM : fulltime work
SCOPE: hours of work
HRM : fulltime work, part time, flex time
SCOPE : Place of work
PM: formal setting like office, factory or plant
SCOPE : Place of work
HRM : formal and informal setting
SCOPE: types of service/function
PM : few and simple (personnel information, recruitment and screening, social activities, management-labor relationship)
SCOPE: types of service/function
HRM : varied and complex (job organization and analysis, job design and evaluation, acquisition, maintenance, development and research on human resources)
SCOPE: department head/officer in charge
PM: administrative Officer or Chief Executive Officer
SCOPE: department head/officer in charge
HRM : separate HR department manned by human resource Specialist
SCOPE: Department Staff qualifications
PM : lawyer or Records clerk
SCOPE: Department Staff qualifications
HRM : behavioral scientist or social science researcher
SCOPE: Level of Reporting
PM : Lower level to line managers
SCOPE: Level of Reporting
HRM : higher level to general manager or chief executive officer
SCOPE: Goals
PM : accomplishment of organization goals
SCOPE: goals
HRM : Accomplishment of organizational and individual goals
SCOPE: techniques
PM : Mechanisitic
SCOPE: Techniques
HRM : Developmental
SCOPE: philosophy
PM : traditional work orientation with priorities on organization and management welfare mainly for profit.
SCOPE: philosophy
HRM : humane, with emphasis on respect for individual and society's well being
SCOPE: Strategies
PM : Personally subjective based on management's need and values
SCOPE: Strategies
HRM : objective and scientific based on individual and organization culture