In PLACING CLIENT IN SUPINE POSITION, what is the rationale behind "Place client on back with head of bed flat and spine in straight alignment"?
maintains proper spine alignment
In PLACING CLIENT IN SUPINE POSITION, what is the rationale behind "Place pillow under shoulders, neck or head"?
In PLACING CLIENT IN SUPINE POSITION, what is the rationale behind "Place pillow under pronated forearms, keeping upper arms parallel to client's body"?
prevent shoulder and muscle strain from effect of downward gravitational pull
In PLACING CLIENT IN SUPINE POSITION, what is the rationale behind "Place hand rolls in client's hands"?
In PLACING CLIENT IN SUPINE POSITION, what is the rationale behind "Place a small rolled towel under the lumbar area of the back"?
In PLACING CLIENT IN SUPINE POSITION, what is the rationale behind "Place trochanter rolls parallel to lateral surface of client's thighs"?
Prevents external rotationofhips
In PLACING CLIENT IN SUPINE POSITION, what is the rationale behind "Places footboard or firm pillows against the bottom of the client's feet"?
Prevents footdrop
In PLACING CLIENT IN SUPINE POSITION, what is the rationale behind "Position feet with toes pointed upward"?