what are the weaknesses of genetic/hormonal explanations for gender (evaluation)?
- CONTRADICTORY EVIDENCE = TRICKER - 43 men injections of test. or placebo - no sig. diff in behaviours (suggests hormones not sig. factor in gender diffs)/ REINER + GEARHARAT found 6/14 males raised as females remained female happily (gender nurtured through socialisation - contradicts David reimer)
- CORRELATION NOT CAUSATION - ROLE OF SOCIALISATION = can't be sure if genes + hormones cause gender or way ppl socialised - research shows parents treat kids diff. depending on sex at birth, unconscious behaviour shaping/ TURNERS SYNDROME = causes immature behaviour, or is it physical immaturity which affects how ppl treat them, causing immaturity due to socialisation
- PROBLEMS W/ SAMPLES = David reimer, transgender studies, atypical development use v small sample sizes - untypical of most population - unrepresentative + ungeneralisable for typical gender development
- REDUCTIONIST = gender more complicated than sex/ bio factors - other explanations too = cognitive (Kohlberg)/ schema theory/ development theories (freud)/ social + cultural explanations. interactionist approach most appropriate (interaction of genes, hormones, social development, life experience, media, culture)