Nutrient cycles in ecosystems that involve biotic (biosphere) and abiotic (geosphere) components
Elements that cycle globally in the atmosphere
Gaseous carbon
Elements that cycle locally in terrestrial systems but more broadly when dissolved in aquatic systems
Food webs
Living organisms are in the available organic compartment, and whenever heterotrophs (consumers) consume food, they recycle nutrients within that reservoir
Assimilation & photosynthesis
1. Producers acquire nutrients molecules and ions from the atmosphere (air), soil, and water of the available inorganic compartment
2. Consumers acquire nutrients from the available inorganic compartment when they drink water or absorb mineral ions through the body surface
Excretion & respiration
Transfer nutrients from organisms to the available inorganic compartment
Converts available inorganic ions and particles into unavailable inorganic rocks
Weathering and erosion
Materials reenter the available inorganic compartment when rocks are uplifted and eroded or weathered
Waterlogging and fossilisation
Some available organic remains are converted into coal, oil, and peat (fossil fuels) - in the unavailable organic compartment
Fossil fuels
Unavailable organic materials (e.g., coal, oil, etc.) formed from the waterlogging, death, compaction, and fossilisation of organic matter
Unavailable inorganic
Rocks & minerals formed from the sedimentation, weathering, and erosion of available inorganic materials
The Water Cycle
1. Evaporation
2. Transpiration
3. Condensation
4. Precipitation
5. Surface and groundwater
Carbon-based organic molecules
Essential to all organisms (e.g., Glucose [C6H12O6], Sucrose [C12H22O11])
Photosynthetic organisms convert CO2 to organic molecules (e.g., glucose) that are used by heterotrophs
Carbon reservoirs
Animal and plant biomass
Fossil fuel deposits
Soil organic matter
Solutes in oceans
The atmosphere
Marine sediments and sedimentary rocks
Carbon in the lithosphere
Organic material: coal, oil, natural gas, etc. formed from the conversion of soft-bodied organisms to gas, petroleum, or coal
Carbon in soil from humus, an organic component of soil
Formation of coal, oil & natural gas
From plant & marine plankton that died a long time ago and accumulated on the bottom of oceans or lakes
Formation of limestone
From marine organisms that incorporate dissolved calcium into calcium carbonate shells that sink to the bottom and remain buried in sediments for millions of years
Terrestrial carbon cycle
Photosynthesis takes up CO2, cellular respiration releases CO2, volcanoes and burning of fossil fuels contribute CO2 to the atmosphere
Carbon in oceans
1. Enters through diffusion (creates carbonic acid - H2CO3)
2. Some sea life use carbonate ions (CO32−) to produce shells and body parts (coral, clams, some algae, etc.)
Component of amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids (complex organic substances present in living cells, especially DNA or RNA)
Organic nitrogen is decomposed to NH4+ by ammonification
Nitrification & nitrifying bacteria
NH4+ is decomposed to NO3- by nitrification
Denitrification & denitrifying bacteria
Denitrification converts NO3- back to N2
Atmospheric Fixation
Lightning breaks N2 bonds, forming nitric acids and nitrates
Industrial Fixation: Haber process
Converts atmospheric N2 to ammonia
Decomposers (detritivores)
Play a key role in the general pattern of chemical cycling
Abiotic factors
Control the rate of decomposition, such as temperature, moisture, and nutrient availability
Rapid decomposition results in relatively low levels of nutrients in the soil
Cold and wet ecosystems store large amounts of undecomposed organic matter as decomposition rates are low
Decomposition is slow in anaerobic mud
The remains of all living things are decomposed by bacteria in the process of ammonification. Ammonification bacteria (e.g., Bacillus vulgaris) is correlated with dissolved oxygen.