The heart

Cards (9)

  • Coronary Heart Disease
    A condition where fatty deposits build up in the coronary arteries, restricting blood flow and oxygen supply to the heart muscle
  • Coronary Heart Disease
    1. Fatty deposits build up on the walls of the coronary artery
    2. Blood flow is restricted
    3. Less oxygen reaches heart muscle
    4. Heart muscle cannot respire
    5. This results in a heart attack
  • The heart muscles need oxygen to respire
  • Arteries supply blood containing oxygen to the heart muscles
  • These arteries are called the coronary arteries
  • Stents
    Medical devices that are used to prevent heart attacks in people with Coronary Heart Disease by holding open blocked arteries
  • Stents advantages

    • Prevent heart attacks by holding open blocked arteries
    • Increase blood flow
    • Allow more oxygen to reach the heart muscle
    • Allow the heart muscle to respire
  • Statins
    Drugs that prevent heart attacks in people with Coronary Heart Disease by reducing cholesterol and slowing the build-up of fatty deposits in the coronary arteries
  • Stents vs Statins
    Stents hold open blocked arteries, Statins lower cholesterol and slow build-up of fatty deposits